Soil Texture and Soil Organic Matter at ERT Plots — GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment

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Soil texture and soil organic matter data collected at ERT (electrical resistivity tomography) plots.

This datatable is part of the Soil moisture determinations by Electrical Resistivity (ERT) Experiment dataset.

Large-scale conversion of croplands to perennial biofuel crops could substantially impact regional water, nutrient, and C cycles due to the longer growing seasons and differences in rooting systems compared with most annual crops. However, these differences in crop water use are not well known due to the limited tools available to nondestructively study the spatiotemporal patterns of root water uptake in situ at field scales. Geophysical imaging tools such as electrical resistivity (ER) reveal changes in water content in the soil profile.

Data used in:


Experiment: GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment
Data available from: June 2009
Dataset: GLBRC146
Datatable ID: KBS078-019.5
Repository link:
Last Updated 2023-10-24
Variate Description Units
sample date date of sample collection
site experiment location
treatment experimental treatment
replicate replicate nested within treatment
depth cm point depth (+-cm) cm
sand percent sand content of soil in percent %
clay percent clay content of soil in percent %
silt percnet silt content of soil in percent %
soil organic matter g kg soil organic matter measured by loss on ignition g/kg
ert plot the internal name of the ERT plot

Data Excerpt

sample_date site treatment replicate depth_cm sand_percent clay_percent silt_percent soil_organic_matter_g_kg ert_plot
2009-06-01 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site G2 R1 10 31.467 22.143 46.39 1.3793408 4
2009-06-01 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site G2 R1 30 58.614 10.583 30.803 1.279908 4
2009-06-01 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site G2 R1 50 63.039 13.635 23.325 1.2698795 4
2009-06-01 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site G2 R1 70 86.116 6.372 7.512 0.490288 4
2009-06-01 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site G2 R1 90 94.319 2.643 3.038 0.27382037 4
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