GLBRC Soil Archived Collection — GLBRC Marginal Land Experiment
Data in the KBS LTER core database may not be published without written permission of the lead investigator or project director Full terms of use
This datatable is part of the GLBRC Archived Samples dataset.
GLBRC plant and soil samples are periodically archived. These samples may be available for future study upon request.
Experiment: | GLBRC Marginal Land Experiment |
Data available from: | November 2013 to December 2021 |
Dataset: | KBS107 |
Datatable ID: | KBS107-004.40 |
Repository link: | |
Related Tables: | |
Personnel: |
Last Updated | 2023-10-24 |
Variate | Description | Units |
sample date | date of soil coring | |
approximate date | year soil sample was collected | |
site | Wisconsin or Michigan sampling site | |
treatment | experimental treatment | |
replicate | replicate nested within treatment | |
campaign | sampling intent | |
top depth cm | upper soil sampling depth | cm |
bottom depth cm | lower soil sampling depth | cm |
volume ml | approximate container size | mg/kg |
container | container description to assist locating container | mg/kg |
wi plot id | Arlington Wisconsin site's plot identifier | |
comments | notes | |
field section | section of the field sampled | |
n treatment | nitrogen treatment of given split plot | |
barcode | soil sample barcode |
Data Embargoed