Poplar Yields of Poplar Density Study — Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)

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Yields, number of stems, and moisture content of poplar trees of the Poplar Density Study at clear-cut harvest of density microplots and of main plots. Also included is the harvested biomass of non-poplar trees that were not planted but germinated and grew during the study.

This datatable is part of the Poplar (T5) Density Study dataset.

A microplot study was conducted in the Poplar (T5) treatment of the LTER Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE; 1989-2008) to examine the effect of three planting densities on poplar yields over two harvest cycles: the first cycle (1989-1998) included split plots of +/- herbicide use within each microplot and the second (1998-2008) recorded the coppiced regrowth of harvested trees. Poplars were planted in 1989 at spacings of 1 × 0.5 m, 2 × 1 m, and 2 × 3 m, in 43 m wide (E-W) and 25 m long (N-S) microplots arranged in one and a half rows along the northern edge of each replicate plot (R1-R6). The main plot was planted at a spacing of 2 × 1 m.


Experiment: Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)
Data available from: January 2008
Dataset: KBS129
Datatable ID: KBS129-001.29
Core Areas Primary Production
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Last Updated 2024-05-01
Variate Description Units
harvest date the date of the harvest
replicate the field replicate of treatment T5
section the planting density section
plot area the size of the plot m^2
dry weight kg m2 biomass dry weight
sample type poplar or non-poplar biomass
stem count the number of stems in the section
moisture gravimetric biomass moisture at harvest %
comments comments about the observation

Data Excerpt

harvest_date replicate section plot_area dry_weight_kg_m2 sample_type stem_count moisture comments
2008-01-22 1 1x0.5 SE 561.6 0.41 non-poplar 133.0 44.704056 moisture was pooled across replicates and locations since it was not significantly different
2008-01-22 1 1x0.5 SE 561.6 4.28 poplar 133.0 51.23131 moisture was pooled across replicates and locations since it was not significantly different
2008-01-22 2 1x0.5 SE 561.6 0.18 non-poplar 104.0 44.704056 moisture was pooled across replicates and locations since it was not significantly different
2008-01-22 2 1x0.5 SE 561.6 4.38 poplar 104.0 51.23131 moisture was pooled across replicates and locations since it was not significantly different
2008-01-22 3 1x0.5 SE 561.6 0.2 non-poplar 205.0 44.704056 moisture was pooled across replicates and locations since it was not significantly different
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