A Kalamazoo-area author, illustrator and muralist is the W.K. Kellogg Biological Station Long-term Ecological Research program’s 2024 Artist-in-Residence. Erica Bradshaw, the owner of To Draw Attention Illustration, arrived at KBS May 20 and spent a week visiting labs and field sites and learning about research that’s underway at the Station. Erica Bradshaw A lifelong artist who had their first piece exhibited at the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts in second grade, Erica earned a bachelor’s degree from Kendall College of Art and Design in 2021, and is now a full-time
KBS LTER and Malawi partnership addresses food security
The W.K Kellogg Biological Station Long-term Ecological Research (KBS LTER) program of Michigan State University (MSU) is partnering with the University of Malawi (UNIMA) in southeast Africa on a new project. The goal is to address Malawi’s agricultural development and food security, two pressing domestic policy issues in a country relying heavily on agriculture. The National Science Foundation (NSF) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) cooperated to launch a new funding program; Partnerships for Enhanced Engagement in Research (PEER). As a competitive grant