Kavdir, Y. and A.J.M. Smucker
Presented at the Campus Symposium (2001-04-19 )
Rye root and shoot accumulations and release of inorganic N during plant decomposition was monitored for two years in a factorial tillage (CT and NT) and N fertilizer (F) treatment study on a Kalamazoo loam soil. KCL extractions of soil N, TDR evaluations of soil water and suction lysimeters were used to identify soil depths of inorganic N. Root dynamics were monitored by minirhizotron recording and image processing by the MSU MR-RIPL. Leaching losses from the CT + F were 60 kg N ha-1 greater than N losses from NT+F. Leaching of N from CT-NF was 27 kg N ha-1 greater than NT-NF. Rye cover reduced N leaching by 27 g N per ha-1 for the NT-NF and up to 73 kg N per ha-1 for the NT+F during a wet year. Band spraying of Roundup to rye at corn planting and broadcast applications to Roundup Ready corn released 28 to 41 kg of slow-release N ha-1 to the successive corn crop.
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