Soil Moisture (Gravimetric) — Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)

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Gravimetric soil moisture content, expressed as grams H2O per gram dry soil, in surface soils (0-25 cm), composited by replicate (R1-R6), for all MSCE treatments. Since 2019, also includes samples collected 3-4 times over the growing season from T3 and T4 sampling stations (1-5) and prairie strips (ST).

This datatable is part of the Soil Moisture on the Main Cropping System Experiment dataset.

This dataset contains the gravimetric soil moisture content of surface soils (0-25 cm) of the Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE) at the LTER Main Site (Treatments 1-8, since 1989) and Mid-successional (TSF) and Forested (TCF, TDF) sites (since 1993). Soil samples are routinely collected once or twice monthly during the growing season, composited by treatment replicate, and analyzed for gravimetric moisture content, calculated on a dry weight basis. These measurements are in association with inorganic nitrogen determination.


Experiment: Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)
Data available from: April 1989 to November 2022
Dataset: KBS015
Datatable ID: KBS015-001.43
Core Areas Inorganic Nutrients,Disturbance
Repository link:
Last Updated 2024-03-18
Variate Description Units
date date on which the soil was sampled
treatment experimental treatment
replicate field replicate
station station sampled (or composite sample from all stations)
sub plot The sub_plot (ie prairie strip) that was sampled.
moisture gravimetric moisture on a dry weight basis g/g
year year in which the date occurs
comments comments about the observation

Data Excerpt

date treatment replicate station sub_plot moisture year comments
2023-11-06 T1 R3 0.2 2023
2023-11-06 T1 R4 0.17 2023
2023-11-06 T1 R1 0.16 2023
2023-11-06 T1 R2 0.18 2023
2023-11-06 T1 R5 0.17 2023
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