Soil Leachate via Suction Lysimeters - Inorganic Nitrogen — Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)
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Inorganic nitrogen in soil leachate collected from the Main Cropping System Experiment using suction lysimeters.
This datatable is part of the Nitrogen in Soil Water Chemistry on the Main Cropping System Experiment dataset.
Soil water samples are collected every other week during the growing season from mainsite treatments 1-7 (replicates 2-4) and the successional and forest sites using Prenart soil water samplers (sometimes referred to as lysimeters). Three sampling stations are located in each treatment and sometimes are grouped. In this dataset nitrate and ammonium were analyzed. See also the dataset entitled Comprehensive Soil Water Chemistry on the Main Cropping System Experiment which covers a larger set of chemical variables from 1999-2003. Total dissolved nitrogen (TDN)and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) measurements were also made on on the soil water samplers in 1995 & 1996- database manager for TDN and DON data.
Experiment: | Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE) |
Data available from: | January 1995 to January 2020 |
Dataset: | KBS031 |
Datatable ID: | KBS021-005.38 |
Core Areas | Disturbance,Inorganic Nutrients |
Repository link: | |
Personnel: |
Last Updated | 2024-03-18 |
Variate | Description | Units |
year | year the sample was collected | |
campaign | sample campaign | |
sample date | date the lysimeter was evacuated, the flask would be sampled the following date | |
treatment | plot treatment | |
replicate | replicate of the plot sampled | |
flask | flask that was collected | |
tare flask g | tare weight of the flask | |
total wt flask g | weight of the flask plus the collected water | |
estimated volume ml | estimated volume of water collected | ml |
pressure | indicates if there was pressure in the flask | |
no3 ppm | amount of NO3-N in the sample | mg/L |
nh4 ppm | amount of NH4-N in the sample | mg/L |
comments | any comments about the sample event | |
crop | the crop grown on T1 through T4 (short code) |
Data Excerpt
year | campaign | sample_date | treatment | replicate | flask | tare_flask_g | total_wt_flask_g | estimated_volume_ml | pressure | no3_ppm | nh4_ppm | comments | crop |
2020 | Lysimeter N | 2020-11-04 | T1 | R2 | 2 | 199.71 | 333.72 | 134.01000000000002 | true | 8.57 | 0.02 | ZEAMX | |
2020 | Lysimeter N | 2020-11-04 | T1 | R3 | 2 | 203.55 | 339.65 | 136.09999999999997 | true | 31.9 | 0.03 | ZEAMX | |
2020 | Lysimeter N | 2020-11-04 | T1 | R4 | 2 | 206.32 | 235.84 | 29.52000000000001 | true | 14.87 | 0.05 | ZEAMX | |
2020 | Lysimeter N | 2020-11-04 | T1 | R4 | 3 | 193.37 | 234.14 | 40.76999999999998 | true | 12.57 | 0.03 | ZEAMX | |
2020 | Lysimeter N | 2020-11-04 | T2 | R2 | 1 | 195.93 | 232.1 | 36.16999999999999 | true | 29.13 | 0.23 | ZEAMX |