Soil Surface Nitrogen from Hess’ Rainfall Intensification Study — Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)

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Nitrate and ammonium concentration in surface soils (0-20 cm) collected every two weeks under extreme and control rainout shelters over the study period.

This datatable is part of the Nitrogen Dynamics from Hess' Rainfall Intensification Study dataset.

This dataset contains results from L. Hess’ dissertation research on the effects of rainfall intensification on N leaching, soil inorganic N pools, soil N transformations, and crop N content in the MCSE Conventional (T1) and No-till (T2) treatments. Data supporting Hess et al. (2020).

Hess, L., E. S. Hinckley, G. P. Robertson, and P. A. Matson. 2020. Rainfall intensification increases nitrate leaching from tilled but not no-till cropping systems of the U.S. Midwest. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 290:106747.


Experiment: Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)
Data available from: April 2015 to November 2015
Dataset: KBS148
Datatable ID: KBS137-003.6
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Last Updated 2024-02-13
Variate Description Units
sample day day of sampling
day of year day of year
treatment MCSE treatment
replicate replicated nested in treatment
rainfall treatment rainfall manipulation
soil top depth cm soil top depth of sampling
soil bottom depth cm soil bottom depth of sampling
soil nitrate micrograms nitrate-N per g dry soil μg/g
soil ammonium micrograms ammonium-N per g dry soil μg/g

Data Excerpt

sample_date day_of_year treatment replicate rainfall_treatment top_soil_depth_cm bottom_soil_depth_cm soil_nitrate soil_ammonium
2015-04-28 118 T1 R1 control 0 20 2.22 0.627
2015-04-28 118 T1 R1 extreme 0 20 1.807 0.624
2015-04-28 118 T1 R2 control 0 20 0.888 0.403
2015-04-28 118 T1 R2 extreme 0 20 1.239 0.428
2015-04-28 118 T1 R3 control 0 20 1.292 0.551
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