Soybean Biomass and Nitrogen from Hess’ Rainfall Intensification Study — Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)

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Aboveground soybean biomass one day before the extreme and control rainfall exclusion plots were harvested. Dried biomass was weighed then threshed to separate grain from stover; both fractions were analyzed for C and N.

This datatable is part of the Nitrogen Dynamics from Hess' Rainfall Intensification Study dataset.

This dataset contains results from L. Hess’ dissertation research on the effects of rainfall intensification on N leaching, soil inorganic N pools, soil N transformations, and crop N content in the MCSE Conventional (T1) and No-till (T2) treatments. Data supporting Hess et al. (2020).

Hess, L., E. S. Hinckley, G. P. Robertson, and P. A. Matson. 2020. Rainfall intensification increases nitrate leaching from tilled but not no-till cropping systems of the U.S. Midwest. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 290:106747.


Experiment: Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)
Data available from: September 2015
Dataset: KBS148
Datatable ID: KBS019-024.8
Core Areas Primary Production
Repository link:
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Last Updated 2024-02-13
Variate Description Units
sample date date of biomass sampling
treatment MCSE treatment
replicate block nested in treatment
rainfall treatment rainfall manipulation
biomass biomass measurement kg/ha
yield yield measurement kg/ha
harvest index
stover n percentage nitrogen percentage in stover %
grain n percentage nitrogen percentage in grain %
grain n kg ha grain nitrogen weight in kg per hectare kg/ha
stover n kg ha stover nitrogen weight in kg per hectare kg/ha
biomass n kg ha biomass nitrogen weight in kg per hectare kg/ha

Data Excerpt

sample_date treatment replicate rainfall_treatment biomass yield harvest_index stover_n_percentage grain_n_percentage stover_n_kg_ha grain_n_kg_ha biomass_n_kg_ha
2015-09-29 t1 r1 control 6682.41 4050.0 0.6060688 0.65085 5.70015 17.133041 230.85608 247.98912
2015-09-29 t1 r1 extreme 6218.06 3341.55 0.5373943 0.71745 5.73805 20.637522 191.7398 212.37733
2015-09-29 t1 r2 control 5554.41 3389.4 0.6102178 0.63775 5.66445 13.807351 191.99088 205.79822
2015-09-29 t1 r2 extreme 7862.26 4380.0 0.5570917 0.56285 5.68075 19.599901 248.81685 268.41675
2015-09-29 t1 r3 control 7852.96 4291.5 0.54648185 0.7416 5.5084 26.411787 236.39299 262.80478
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