N15 content of selected plant biomass samples — LTAR Aspirational Cropping System Experiment (ACSE)

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Natural abundance N15 measurements were made to estimate the amount of N fixation in different cropping systems.

This datatable is part of the LTAR agronomic production datasets dataset.

This dataset collects LTAR agronomic data


Experiment: LTAR Aspirational Cropping System Experiment (ACSE)
Data available from: September 2022 to May 2023
Dataset: LTAR002
Datatable ID: LTAR002-004.37
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Related Tables:
Last Updated 2023-11-09
Variate Description Units
sample date the date the plants were sampled
treatment the field treatment sampled
replicate the replicate sampled
species the species sampled
delta n15 the measured dleta N15 value in ppb
geometry the plot polygon as well known text

Data Excerpt

sample_date treatment replicate species delta_n15 geometry
2023-05-03 ASP5 R1 Cichorium intybus 0.92 SRID=4326;MULTIPOLYGON(((-85.38216103439298 42.40152666855793,-85.38216105087193 42.40229201449644,-85.38182088134214 42.40229202131794,-85.38182086899923 42.40152667544962,-85.38216103439298 42.40152666855793)))
2023-05-03 ASP5 R1 Lolium multiflorum Lam. 1.47 SRID=4326;MULTIPOLYGON(((-85.38216103439298 42.40152666855793,-85.38216105087193 42.40229201449644,-85.38182088134214 42.40229202131794,-85.38182086899923 42.40152667544962,-85.38216103439298 42.40152666855793)))
2023-05-03 ASP5 R1 Medicago sativa L. -0.36 SRID=4326;MULTIPOLYGON(((-85.38216103439298 42.40152666855793,-85.38216105087193 42.40229201449644,-85.38182088134214 42.40229202131794,-85.38182086899923 42.40152667544962,-85.38216103439298 42.40152666855793)))
2023-05-03 ASP5 R1 Trifolium pratense L. 0.76 SRID=4326;MULTIPOLYGON(((-85.38216103439298 42.40152666855793,-85.38216105087193 42.40229201449644,-85.38182088134214 42.40229202131794,-85.38182086899923 42.40152667544962,-85.38216103439298 42.40152666855793)))
2023-05-03 ASP5 R2 Cichorium intybus 2.43 SRID=4326;MULTIPOLYGON(((-85.37889338924379 42.40242709920285,-85.37889336565232 42.40319244435031,-85.37855319155626 42.40319244138886,-85.37855321928397 42.402427096311854,-85.37889338924379 42.40242709920285)))
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