Mid-successional Understory Biomass — Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)

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Aboveground biomass of non-crop species (i.e., species other than main crop and/or cover crop) in LTER MCSE Mid-successional forest treatments (TSF) at or near peak biomass.

This datatable is part of the Primary Production of Forested Systems of the Main Cropping System Experiment dataset.

This dataset contains the data needed to determine the biomass and aboveground net primary production (ANPP) in the Coniferous (TCF) and Deciduous (TDF) Forest sites of the LTER Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE). Allometric equations are used to estimate the standing woody biomass (since 1998) of each tree, based on the diameter at breast height (DBH; for trees >5 cm in diameter), typically measured in January. Annual woody production is estimated as the difference in the woody biomass of each tree between consecutive years and annual primary production as the sum of annual woody production and leaf production. Leaf production is estimated as the biomass of leaf litter collected in litter traps deployed in late summer through leaf fall. Litter collected from Poplar (T5) and Mid-successional (TSF) plots is also included.


Experiment: Main Cropping System Experiment (MCSE)
Data available from: January 1993 to December 2022
Dataset: KBS045
Datatable ID: KBS019-028.101
Core Areas Primary Production
Repository link: http://doi.org/10.6073/pasta/b07ff1f1366f4252d651f2b45710f3d8
Related Tables:
Last Updated 2024-03-18
Variate Description Units
Year year of the growing season relevant for the sample
crop crop that was grown on the main site this year. Useful to distinguish cron years from wheat years and soybean years.
Campaign a major multi-year research activity with a discreet purpose
Date date on which sampling occured
Replicate replicate block, nested within treatment
Station replicate station, nested within block
Species species (or taxon) name of the plants sampled, Plants that can not be identified to species are identified to the genus level or above.
Biomass dry mass of sampled material g/m2
area sampled m2 the area of the frame used for sampling

Data Excerpt

year crop campaign date treatment replicate station species biomass area_sampled_m2 comments
2022 Peak Biomass 2022-09-27 TSF R1 S1 Alliaria petiolata (Bieb.) Cavara & Grande 1.77 1.0 4mS, 4mW
2022 Peak Biomass 2022-09-27 TSF R1 S1 another unknown dicot 0.02 1.0 4mS, 4mW
2022 Peak Biomass 2022-09-27 TSF R1 S1 Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) Beauv. ex J. & C. Presl 0.27 1.0 4mS, 4mW
2022 Peak Biomass 2022-09-27 TSF R1 S1 Asplenium platyneuron (L.) Oakes 4.53 1.0 4mS, 4mW
2022 Peak Biomass 2022-09-27 TSF R1 S1 Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb. 38.95 1.0 4mS, 4mW
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