Soil Chemistry from Deep Cores — GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment

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Deep core soil samples analyzed for pH, lime index, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, cation exchange capacity and organic matter.

KBS samples are analyzed by the Michigan State University Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory .

This datatable is part of the GLBRC Deep Core Soil Surveys dataset.

The GLBRC periodically (presently every 5 years) collects and analyzes deep soil cores for the GLBR Intensive Sites and the GLBRC Scale-up sites. Soil is sampled to a depth of one meter, and analyzed at various depths for bulk density, texture, moisture, and carbon and nitrogen content. Soil horizons are also identified.


Experiment: GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment
Data available from: June 2008 to December 2017
Dataset: KBS093
Datatable ID: KBS093-002.24
Core Areas Inorganic Nutrients,Disturbance
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Last Updated 2023-10-24
Variate Description Units
sample date date the soil core was collected
treatment experimental treatment
replicate replicate nested within treatment
main or microplot whether the main or the microplot was sampled
campaign type of soil sampling
top depth upper soil sampling depth cm
bottom depth lower soil sampling depth cm
ph pH of soil solution
lime index indicator of potential acidity
p ppm phosphorus concentration mg/kg
k ppm potassium concentration mg/kg
ca ppm calcium concentration mg/kg
mg ppm magnesium concentration mg/kg
est cec cation exchange capacity in meq/100g soil meq/100g
om percent organic matter percent %

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Data Excerpt

sample_date treatment replicate main_or_microplot campaign top_depth bottom_depth ph lime_index p_ppm k_ppm ca_ppm mg_ppm est_cec om_percent
2008-06-04 G5 R1 main deep core sampling 0 10 6.6 72.0 59.0 126.0 916.0 101.0
2008-06-04 G5 R1 main deep core sampling 10 25 6.5 72.0 33.0 96.0 811.0 126.0
2008-06-04 G5 R1 main deep core sampling 25 50 5.6 69.0 24.0 88.0 1080.0 165.0
2008-06-04 G5 R1 main deep core sampling 50 100 5.6 71.0 23.0 57.0 657.0 115.0
2008-06-04 G5 R2 main deep core sampling 0 10 6.5 72.0 40.0 149.0 884.0 129.0
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