KBS044:Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Deep Core Surveys
An LTER project goal is to periodically collect and analyze deep soil cores for the main site treatments and successional and forest sites. Soil is sampled to a depth of one meter, and analyzed for horizon depths, texture, moisture, and carbon and nitrogen content.
- Status: active
- Temporal Coverage 2001-01-01 to 2022-08-15
- Repository Link https://doi.org/10.6073/pasta/8c9f759d32699902d88c7b5d607fb2f7
- KBS044-001 Soil Total Carbon and Nitrogen by Depth - Deep Cores
Total carbon and nitrogen determinations of deep core soil samples from the LTER Main Site and Successional and Forested sites organized by treatment, replicate and core depth (surface, middle, deep) sections.
Citation (in review):
Córdova, S. C., Kravchenko, A. N., Miesel, J.R., Robertson, G.P., (2022). Whole-profile Changes in Soil Carbon and Nitrogen after 25 Years under Agricultural and Conservation Management- KBS044-002 Soil Bulk Density of Deep Cores
Soil bulk density of deep core soil samples collected from the LTER Main Site and Successional and Forest sites, organized by treatment, replicate and depth. Bulk densities are calculated by obtaining the volume from the diameter of the core and the length of the horizon.
In 2001 we used the RS60 liners which had are 6 cm in diameter. In 2010 and later we used the DT45 liners which are 7.62 cm in diameter. The difference in diameters might have caused different amounts of compression in the tube.
- KBS044-004 Long-term effects of cover crops, tillage, and ecological succession on soil health parameters and SOC stability trajectory
Summer REU project by Charles Carpenter (undergraduate researcher) and Carolina Cordova (postdoc)