N2O, CH4, CO2 Fluxes via Static Chambers — GLBRC Scale-up Experiment

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N2O, CO2, and CH4 fluxes from static chambers at the GLBRC Biofuel Scale-up sites. Fluxes are corrected to the 3 meter air temperature at 10 am. M3 – “CRP Switchgrass”, M2 – “CRP Prairie”, M1– “CRP Corn”, L1– “AGR Corn”, L2 – “AGR Switchgrass”, L3– “AGR Prairie”, M4– “Reference”.

This datatable is part of the KBS GLBRC Trace gas monitoring dataset.

This dataset contains trace gas flux measurements from the GLBRC Biofuel Intensive and Scale-up Experiments using static chambers. Measurements are taken every two weeks during the growing season.


Experiment: GLBRC Scale-up Experiment
Data available from: May 2009 to September 2016
Dataset: KBS062
Datatable ID: KBS062-002.57
Core Areas Organic Matter,Inorganic Nutrients,Disturbance
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Last Updated 2023-10-24
Variate Description Units
sample date date the sample was taken
treatment treatment the sample was take from
replicate replicate where the sample was taken from
chamber flux chamber identifier
n2o n measured N2O-N flux g/ha/day
co2 c measured CO2-C flux g/ha/day
ch4 c measured CH4-C flux g/ha/day
temperature Air temperature at 10 am (3 m) C

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Data Excerpt

sample_date treatment replicate chamber n2o_n co2_c ch4_c temperature
2017-05-19 L1 R1 1 1.93 12970.23 -4.7 6.0
2017-05-19 L1 R1 2 5.08 26690.95 -1.84 6.0
2017-05-19 L1 R1 3 1.3 9004.04 0.09 6.0
2017-05-19 L1 R1 4 0.89 6983.13 0.9 6.0
2017-05-19 L2 R1 1 0.22 25130.85 -0.81 6.0
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