Soil Moisture associated with gas sampling — GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment

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Soil samples (top 25 cm) are taken once for each plot during each gas sampling campaign. The soil moisture is determined gravimetrically.

This datatable is part of the KBS GLBRC Trace gas monitoring dataset.

This dataset contains trace gas flux measurements from the GLBRC Biofuel Intensive and Scale-up Experiments using static chambers. Measurements are taken every two weeks during the growing season.


Experiment: GLBRC Biofuel Cropping System Experiment
Data available from: June 2008 to December 2016
Dataset: KBS062
Datatable ID: KBS062-005.57
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Related Tables:
Last Updated 2023-10-24
Variate Description Units
sample date The day the sample was taken
Site The site the sample was taken from
treatment The plot treatment designation
replicate The replicate designation
chamber chamber that the sample is associated with
moisture gravimetric soil moisture (weight/weight) g/g

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Data Excerpt

sample_date site treatment replicate chamber moisture
2023-12-05 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site G1 R1 C1 0.17
2023-12-05 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site G1 R2 C1 0.17
2023-12-05 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site G1 R3 C1 0.2
2023-12-05 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site G1 R4 C1 0.21
2023-12-05 KBS GLBRC Intensive Site G2 R1 C1 0.19
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